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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] How to make posts with images and videos to load faster (17s)?

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Hey guys,

I have this post with images and videos, and no matter what I do, the post is still loading very slow (17s for guests).

I moved all the images and videos to Google Drive. All the images and videos are links to google drive. I thought it might help, but it didn't help that much.

What else you think I can do to improve performance? If there is...?

This is the post:

I'm not using any special optimization plugins. I do have Asset CleanUp and Plugin Organizer to stop unnecessary plugins and assets to run where they don't need to. My hosting has a CDN that caches my site.

Let me know if you need more info.



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Hi @beyondforce,

That has not any chance to be loaded faster. And the loading speed of this page has nothing to do with wpForo.

You're using Google Drive embedded images, each image takes tons of times to be loaded from 3rd party server (google). So just stop using Google Drive embedded images and just attach them as a regular image.

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As a test, please try this plugin. I don't know if it works for Google Drive Loaded images. But you can test it:

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Thanks for getting back to me!

The reason I have moved the media to Google Drive was because of the loading time of the media from my server. It was much worse before!

I'll try this a3 Lazy Load plugin and we'll see if it help.

Thanks for the suggestion.


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I have tried this plugin and unfortunately, it didn't help.

I guess I'm stuck with this performance! I even tried using Jetpack for the media, but for some reason, it slowed down my site.


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This is not performance issue. This is an issue with loading of lots of images in one page. I'd recommend decrease the number of posts per page in topics, but I see you use the threaded layout and all those posts are just replies. You have 43 replies on that page with Google Drive embedded images. If those replies were not replies, but a simple posts, they could be in other pages of this topic so only first 10 posts would be loaded. This could make this page many times faster. 

To archive this you should use other forum layouts or remove the parent-reply  / child reply dependence for this topic posts in database with simple SQL. Open your Hosting cPanel > phpMyAdmin database manager or install phpMyAdmin plugin.

  1. Open your database, find wp_wpforo_topics table
  2. Click on the Search tab and find this topic in "title" filed.
  3. Find the topic ID in the search result, the ID is in "topicid" field.
  4. Backup the wp_wpforo_posts table
  5. 5. Go to SQL tab, and execute this SQL:
    • Update `wp_wpforo_posts` SET `parentid` = 0 WHERE `topicid` = TopicID
    • Change the TopicID - is the numerical value you found in the search result in #3 step.
    • Make sure your table prefix is wp_, if it isn't, just change it to correct one.
  6. After execution, go to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page and click on the [Delete all caches] button.


So doing this steps, you'll change the threaded replies to a simple list of posts only in this topic, and the number of posts will be 5-6 in one page of the topic. This will increase the number of images per page and load your page faster.




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Okay, so as long as I'm using the threaded layout, I'll keep having this problem!

I like the threaded layout because it shows the user info the I want it.

Is there an option to disable replies in the threaded layout?

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No, that's incorrect.

As long as you have 43 and more replies with tons of images you'll always have problem it doesn't matter you use threaded layout or not. You can have 1000 replies without any problem, but if you load tons of images in those replies you'll have the problem. So the problem is the slow loading of 3rd party images and in the number of such images, not in the threaded layout.

My solution is just a workaround for the main problem (loading many files from 3rd party servers).

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I understood what you said before! A while ago I asked how to limit post replies so I could create the next pages, I have been told that I couldn't because I'm using the Treaded layout.

I do want to limit the number of replies on a single page/topic, but this feature doesn't exist yet.

Correct me if I wrong, but I have only 2 options:

  1. Change layout.
  2. Live with it...

The post reply function is important, which is why I'm hesitant to use your temporary fix!

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This is a topic specific issue, so you have the 3rd I provided above. That solution is for fixing this specific topic. I hope you don't have other topics with dozens of replies which contains dozens of images.

And another option is using wpForo Advanced Attachment. And set small size of thumbnails for uploaded images. This will be much faster.


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The things is, I haven't invited people from my YouTube channel to my new website yet.

The moment I do that, I will have many more topics like that.

If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm teaching people 3D modeling techniques and helping them with their projects.

In this kind of forum, we cannot avoid screenshots, videos, and files.

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Then use wpForo Advanced Attachments addon, and set small size of thumbnails.

Plus we'll add an option to set max number of replies in near future releases.

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I have already tried to set a smaller size of thumbnails before, but it didn't help.

I have attached a screenshot of my Advanced Attachment setup.

An option to set max number of replies will solve that problem for sure 👍😁❤

I don't know if you noticed but my forum main page is loading really fast now after the last update - Excellent work!

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But this will work fine with Image Lazy Load plugins. So you should try it again. And enable such plugins.

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The Lazy Load plugins didn't work on the google drive images. But you are right, it might work for images on my server.

The reason I'm a big fan of the option to set max number of replies is that:

  1. It wouldn't matter where the image is coming from.
  2. It will make the topics much shorter as well.

Another option could be to create an autoload more like normal posts have when they are too long or in blog pages with many posts.

But the option to set max number of replies will do the trick!

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Posted by: @beyondforce

An option to set max number of replies will solve that problem for sure 👍😁❤

This will solve new topics by don't allowing new replies, but this will not solve old topics with tons of replies.

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That's a good point!

Do you have a deadline or an estimation when will that be implemented?

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No I've no yet. No deadline no ETA.

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This will help you a bit to improve your speed (that is extremely slow). Study it carefully.


Even your forum home page is very slow, without any images and videos.


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Regarding that specific post, it is slow because of all the media files.

Regarding the forum home page, I'm not quite sure why you are getting very high load time. When I'm testing the page on my computer (with incognito) it loads very fast 2s.

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Posted by: @beyondforce


Regarding that specific post, it is slow because of all the media files.

Regarding the forum home page, I'm not quite sure why you are getting very high load time. When I'm testing the page on my computer (with incognito) it loads very fast 2s.


I'm not getting a slow page, does. If you study it, you will see why.


The same goes for your topic with images and videos. STUDY the results.


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Maybe that is max speed I can get from my hosting plan, who knows. I'm not using any cache plugins since my hosting's CDN already taking care of that.

I have tried to use WP Rocket and many others, but they didn't improve the performance that much, so I took them off.

I'm running right now monitoring on my website. I'm using dotcom-monitor. In a week or so, I'll know more about the performance.