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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] How to make the text box larger when editing a post?

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Robert, Hello_World is spot on. And telling me it takes 2 seconds to change it does not really provide a valid answer. Yes you are correct you can click and drag the lower right corner when I edit a post.

The post I edit has 40+ lines of text in it. So I have to resize it every time. My clients tell me it's to small also. (Hold on i need to resize real quick so I can read what I just posted)

What I want to know is in the style sheet what line contains the DEFAULT size when the edit post box is open. Actually the post should open completely (like phpBB3) when I edit it. Not just a small window.

I can just go through it line by line and find it my self but I thought hey they say (you) have support let's try it.  So far not so good....

Please reply.

Thanks (hold on resize again) 


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Hi TrackLinq and Hello_World

We can't reply on all request with "let's try it" or with "Yes" answer. We're getting dozens of requests and it's already 840. So please don't ask for small features yet. We have lots of very important things to add and improve in wpForo before those. Sorry for being so harsh. We'll take a look on such request on 1.1.x or in 1.2.x versions. I'm sorry but currently I have no positive reply for you.

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Wow how unprofessional. I don't think you will need to worry about this unimportant issue.

A more appropriate answer would be like.

Thank you for your responses. At this time we have you request and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.  If you know how to change css you might look here, or here.
Sorry for the inconvenience and your post is noted.

Thanks again. 

d**n click and drag here to see what I just wrote....



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Posted by: TrackLinq


This comment box I am typing in to add a comment, topic, edit is too small vertically. I am quite please direct me to the css to make this box taller vertically.  Once i hit enter the text above this line is now gone. Makes it hard to read over your post without moving the slide bar.


Have you looked in classic theme and style file?
There you can change the size of the box


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