Hello colleagues, the first thing to say sorry for my bad English, I have searched but I have not found the solution.
I need that in the mobile version of the web the first thing you see are the most recent comments
I think this is better for a person who enters directly from the mobile version.
I tried it with the widgets but it doesn't let me.
any solution?
Hi @franricht,
As far as the wpForo menu is a regular WordPress menu you can use some additional plugins for this kind of manipulations. I've found the following plugin. Please checked it. If you find some other plugins that'll work better, please share it with us.
WP Mobile Menu — The Mobile-Friendly Responsive Menu: https://ru.wordpress.org/plugins/mobile-menu/
Thanks for the recommendation, I tried with that and another but it didn't work or I didn't know how to make any work.
Thanks anyway.