I am using the Q&A to allow members to enter a competition. The "question" has been repurposed into the details of the competition and doesn't need to have voting buttons on it.
I have tried using CSS to hide it but it only works on desktop, not mobile:
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .cat-stat-posts, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .cat-stat-answers, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .cat-stat-questions, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .wpforo-forum-stat-questions, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .wpforo-forum-stat-answers, #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .wpforo-forum-stat-posts {display:none;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .wpforo-last-topic {width: 20%!important;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .wpfp-first .wpforo-post .wpf-left {display:none;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .wpfp-first .wpforo-post .wpf-right {margin-left:0!important;}
@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .wpfp-first .wpforo-post .wpf-left {display:none;}
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 .wpfp-first .wpforo-post .wpf-right {margin-left:0!important;}
I've deleted all caches (wpforo, Supercache, Cloudflare, browser) and set Cloudflare in dev mode but the changes don't appear on mobile.
Hi @annabwashere,
Please test it on other mobile devices or try on incognito mode. Because mobile browsers have a hard cache, you'll not be able to see the change immediately.
As far as I see there shouldn't be an issue. The CSS code is correct.