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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] How to turn off the 1st post / Topic Moderation requirement

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Posted by: Trapperdrew


These settings worked for me, Also i installed the anti spam thing.

See attached.

Just a recommendation, never do this! It's better to set levels 20/20 than set it 1/1 and disable Spam Control. Currently you don't have spam topics and you dont know how well this function may protect your forum when time is come.

Please don't make your forum unprotected like it shown on this screenshot. Forums with such option set will be unprotected for all spammers.

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I'd recommend this if you don't have many spam attacks:


If you got many spams, I'd recommend this:

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Ok I tried the above settings, spam control on, 20, 20 and first 1 post hard spam control and the first post someone makes is kicked into moderation. I've attached the post to show it has nothing in it that should be flagged as spam. 


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Please don't use phrase "flagged as spam". It just suspected and suggested for moderation. There maybe such cases, but not all posts will be set as unapproved. Here on this forum we use the same functions with high spam scanning levels and only 10% of new users posts becomes Unapproved and 90% of spam posts become unapproved. I think you need to test it for more time, not for just a few posts. is the live example of Spam Control function. There is no any extra functions on this site, all is native and default.

Also please let me know, do you have Akismet activated? If so please deactivate it for a few days. Also you can try it with 15/15.

TIMS Forum
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I am also having this issue. 

This setting: User is New (under hard spam control) during

Is set to zero but 1st post is still getting moderated. And if that user posts additionally, all their posts end up in moderation if I don't get that first one approved in a timely manner. 

I do not want to moderate posts at this time. Why does a zero in this field not remove the need for moderation. This is not a testing/timing issue on my side. It is an expectation I have of the WP Foro. 

If I put a zero in a field, it should mean No or Null or Off. Maybe you should not allow a zero in this field if you don't want us to set it that way. I would want another option in that case. 

I think Moderation settings should be first On or Off. If On, then how many New User posts do you want to moderate, 1 or more, but don't allow me to set it to zero. 

It just isn't clear in the current setup that I cannot turn off moderation.

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