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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] I got a fatal error while installing the forum on a new site

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I was eager to get my new forum up and running for the first time, with a fresh domain. But I hit an unexpected snag when installing it on WordPress - "Fatal error."
I tried again but still got the same result, so I began googling around to find out more information about what this fatal error could mean. It turns out that Fatal Errors are usually caused by incompatibility or conflicts between plugins or scripts installed in your website directory- nothing too serious most of the time!
My problem seemed like something easy enough fix though because all I had done before trying to install wordpress is delete some old files from another project unrelated entirely .. maybe one of those deleted files conflicted with WP somehow? 



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Hi @peteewilkinson,

1. Disable old plugins before installing wpForo. Then activate them one by one to find the conflict maker.

2. Make sure your hosting server disk space is no full, and it has enough space (at least 20mb).

3. Make sure that /wpforo/ folder is fully deleted from /wp-content/plugins/ directory, then install wpForo again from Dashboard > Plugins admin page, if you see the same error please take a screenshot.