Hi there,
Several of my students have had issues of losing their post before sending it. I've seen a function on other forums where the system automatically saves the post such that, even if a user shuts down their browser, the unpublished post will still be there the next time they visit the forum.
Is anything like that possible in WPforo?
If you are using the wpForo Version 1.6.3 (or higher). You can check the wpForo Post Preview and Draft Saving features
Announcement: https://wpforo.com/community/wpforo-announcements/wpforo-1-6-3-is-released/#post-30787
New Features
Post Preview and Draft Saving features
Now you can preview post when you're writing in editor. Also you can save drafts as revisions and restore those. It also does auto-drafting with 30 seconds interval, you can change auto-drafting interval and maximum number in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Topics & Posts Tab/
Related documentation: https://wpforo.com/docs/wpforo-v2/settings/posting-editor-settings/#post-preview-and-auto-drafting
Thanks - I'm happy to hear that's a possibility.
However when I go to that tab, I don't see this option at all. I wonder if I enabled some kind of other setting that removes this. Here's a screen shot of the entire "topics and posts" tab