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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Issue Posting medical related Topics

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First press F12 and watch your console for errors etc etc.

And second enable WP debug to a log and after a while check it for errors.

Invest a little time to learn the basics, you will need them in the future.

wpForo has some tools and check for errors. Database and debug. Are they reporting anything?

And do you have ANY other tools / plugins that could interfear with WP? Any security plugins or services?

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@dimalifragis here is a screenshot of the error message when I press F12. I am still working on WP debug  will share that as soon as possible as well

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Do you see any errors in the following tabs:

  • Dashboard  >Forums > Tools > Debug > Tables
  • Dashboard  >Forums > Tools > Debug > Errors & Issues

Do you see any error message when the topic/post is not saved?

Can you do a test reply here with the same content you post in your forum?


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@robert this is a question i tried posting


A 52-year-old man was admitted to hospital with a pleural effusion of unknown aetiology.

A  chest drain was sited during his hospital stay and he now  complains of moderate pain

around the chest wall, following the drain insertion. His past medical history included peptic ulcer disease with two previous upper gastrointestinal bleeds. His regular medications

include omeprazole 40 mg OD.


On examination, the patient appears comfortable at rest and there is no tachypnoea or obvious dyspnoea. There is reduced air entry at the right lung base, which is also dull to percussion. The water level in the drain rises and falls with inspiration and expiration, respectively.


A chest X-ray, performed shortly after the above examination shows a small residual pleural

effusion with no pneumothorax.


1. The patient is requesting analgesia but declines paracetamol as he thinks this is ‘not

strong enough’. What should you prescribe for him?

2. The patient requests naproxen, as he has heard from another patient on the ward

that this is a good analgesic agent. Is this an appropriate choice of analgesia?

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@robert there are no error messages on the tabs you mentioned. When i post no error message displays

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Have you tried to post it using a Desktop pc?

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@dimalifragis yes i have tried on pc

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Posted by: @hassan101

@dimalifragis yes i have tried on pc

Ok. You didn't replied if you checked for js errors (F12) or using debug.log.



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@dimalifragis here is a screenshot of the error message when I press F12. I am still working on WP debug  will share that as soon as possible as well

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The 1st error is a Post 403. No Access, Forbidden. That is an issue that can forbid several things. I have no idea from where it may come.

@robert can help more in this.

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I don't see any issue in your forum. We just registered and check. We've left test topic and posts without any issue. In any case, please go to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > General Tab, make sure your forum Base URL is correct and click the [Update Options] button, then delete wpForo cache in Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page.

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@robert Topics are posting without any problem but the issue is when i include certain medical terms it denies posting

this is a question i was trying to post kindly try it on my forum and see 


A 52-year-old man was admitted to hospital with a pleural effusion of unknown aetiology.

A  chest drain was sited during his hospital stay and he now  complains of moderate pain

around the chest wall, following the drain insertion. His past medical history included peptic ulcer disease with two previous upper gastrointestinal bleeds. His regular medications

include omeprazole 40 mg OD.


On examination, the patient appears comfortable at rest and there is no tachypnoea or obvious dyspnoea. There is reduced air entry at the right lung base, which is also dull to percussion. The water level in the drain rises and falls with inspiration and expiration, respectively.


A chest X-ray, performed shortly after the above examination shows a small residual pleural

effusion with no pneumothorax.


1. The patient is requesting analgesia but declines paracetamol as he thinks this is ‘not

strong enough’. What should you prescribe for him?

2. The patient requests naproxen, as he has heard from another patient on the ward

that this is a good analgesic agent. Is this an appropriate choice of analgesia?

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Try posting the word Omeprazole, it doesnt open a topic, i dont get why it denies certain terms please

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It doesn't have any relation to wpForo, I think you have a 3rd party spam checker solution which don't allow posting content with some popular spam phrases. I'd suggest disable spam checking services you use. It could be Akismet, and lots of other content checker plugins. In any case, there is no solution from the wpForo side, because this problem doesn't come from wpForo plugin.

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@robert thank you for you assistance, i really love the plugin and you guys have done an awesome job on it. I dont think there is any other plugin better than this for forums. Let me have a look at the antispam services i have and try disabling them.


thanks for the early responses

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