Is there als some way I can turn off pot until this is fixed? People keep liking posts and it continues to slow down my site. It would be good to turn them off for a few days
Also @robert and im sorry to keep throwing more things in here, but there are other issues with the likes.
For some reason it is showing that my users have liked posts three times? I thought it was just me on my account but it seems as if it is site wide:
You see in the attached pic it says liked by "you, im sparky and imsparky" This was sent in by the member im sparky, so it essentially shows the post has been liked 3 times by the same person which of course is not possible
Please advise
@robert it takes along time for each like ot go through aswell, is there anyway i can speed thatup? It takes atleast 10 seconds after clicking the thumb for it to show the post has been liked
Each page should be loaded at least one time to be cached (per usergroup). I've already mentioned this two times.
SO there is nothing i can do on the initial load time? It is always going to be the case that on the first load after many likes I will suffer with a long page load time?
What issue do you mean?
It seems as if you're not getting what i mean when it comes to the like problem,, so it would be good for you to see it for yourself so you can understand what i mean more. It will make more sense if you could see it rather than me trying to explain it.
It doesn't happen just when im visiting a thread, it happens on the front page. Anytime there is a series of likes, my site will be slowed down by 0.6 seconds for each like. If there are tne likes by any members, the next time you load any page, the site will take 6 seconds longer then it should to load. This would be on the thread or on the front end.