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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Lost password not working

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Posts: 1602
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Joined: 9 years ago

Also disable all in one seo because it seems not to work. Install SEO FRAMEWORK plugin if you need seo.

And leave wpForo SEO enabled (now seems disabled).


Posts: 1602
Noble Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Ok one by one the problems.

You have no login/register anywhere !!!

After finding them (tried to Add a topic), they are different and wrong.

Posts: 1602
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Joined: 9 years ago

An other error you have everywhere is a JS error from Nivo Slider something. Find that plugin and disabled it. If you have no such plugin installed, then some other theme or plugin use it.

It creates an error. Not related to wpForo. It is all over your site.

Press F12 in Chrome to see it.


Posts: 1602
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Joined: 9 years ago

An other problem (actually two problems in one).

You have some errors in your debug.log

BUT NOBODY SHOULD BE ABLE TO VIEW THAT FILE. Only YOU via a plugin or ftp or Cpanel. This is a proof that your hosting is not good at all. That file should return a 403.

Now there are two warnings that probably come from some plugin you have installed. This can only be debuged if you disable all the plugins and trial and fail. And only if your site has some usage, otherwise it may not be evident easily.


Posts: 1602
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Joined: 9 years ago

Finally disable the All in One SEO.

If you need SEO, install SEO Framework and enable wpForo SEO.

All in all most problems are related to Wordpress installation and hosting. Maybe hire an experienced webmaster to help you out in the initial setup and tune.


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Anonymous20, thank you very much for your time and effort. I really appreciate it. THANK YOU.
I will look and hopefully solve all these issues.

Best regards,M

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Posts: 8


Hi! It's me again :S If you will find the time, please just let me know, what was your assumption that All-in-one-SEO is not working based on? Or is it just that All-in-one-SEO plugin is not compatible with WPforo. Thank you for clarifying that for me.

Best regards

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