I'm using Mail Queue plugin
to overcome the hourly limitations of our hosting plan and also to make email smoother for the server. While that works now for a year or so just great with blog posts, comments and registrations, it doesn't work well with wpForo.
The email received are unreadable.
Hello Larry!<br> New reply has been posted on your subscribed topic - <a href="https://www.travel-world.eu/community/off-topic/this-is-a-test-of-mailqueue/#post-98">This is a test of mailqueue</a>. <br><br> <strong><a target="_blank" href="https://www.travel-world.eu/community/off-topic/this-is-a-test-of-mailqueue/#post-98">RE: This is a test of mailqueue</a></strong> <blockquote > reply This is a test of mailqueueThis is a test of mailqueueThis is a ... </blockquote> <br><hr> If you want to unsubscribe from this topic please use the link below.<br> <br><a target="_blank" href="https://www.travel-world.eu/community/?wpforo=unsbscrb&key=8f88a3e9c1b81bccb601a22d35314cb6">Unsubscribe</a>
I'm trying to find if this is a problem with wpForo or the WP plugin. But since everything works ok BUT the wpForo emails make me believe it could be something of wpForo.
Any ideas ? it must be something with the mail encoding ....
I'm sorry but I have no idea. wpForo sets email type HTML using according hook. This plugin doesn't use this hook and don't see that the type is set HTML. Or maybe this is a hooking priority, it checks after we set it HTML.
I wouldn't ask you about it, if the rest of WP mail didn't also work right.
Anyway, thanks !
The rest doesn't matter. I think you don't have Emails with HTML content so you'll never see if this plugin works correct or not, all WP emails are just simple text format. i think this plugin doesn't check WordPress Email types and hooks. Or it overwrites other plugins requests to set it HTML and wp_mail() function sends it as Text.
Got it.
Also in his code comments he says :
* The default content type is 'text/plain' which does not allow using HTML.
* However, you can set the content type of the email by using the
* 'wp_mail_content_type' filter.
So i will try my luck changing his code or whatever i can ...
Thanks !