So i am almost done translating WPforo into 6 languages but am missing how I can sort the "Forum rules sample text ...":
When I dive into the db with WP Data Access and look at the tables for Translatepress I can find "Forum rules sample text ..." as the base text and translate our text without problems, except that I do not know how and where I can place the English text. If I do it inside the foro settings page it would override the translation of the other language texts as basically the translations "loose their anchor" of the short sample text (-> "Forum rules sample text ...").
Can I enter the actual English text in another place than the settings page?
We're not familiar with the plugin you're using for translation. Please contact the plugin's support team with your question.
I have dug a bit deeper and believe the only way to make the text multilingual would be to change the "forum rule" a regular a href link (in the user registration section) so it can point to a page in wp.
Which file would I have to modify? Thanks for your help.
Hi Robert, I understand and I entered some dummy text to see how it is handled. The text from the Forum rules Text field is stored in wp_options and Translatepress currently can not grab it properly from there. Therefor I should modify the forum rules settings in the signup process window to be a simple a href link to a wp page, just as the Terms and Privacy rules.
Thank you for any further guidance.
Ok, I solved it. Modified the legal.php file a bit.