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[Closed] Multilingual

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Hi there, I have read that version 2.0 supports to having the forum in more than one language. We have a mutli-lingual site with WPML and it works to show all the meta information. We also translated the po files.

How can we show additional or different forum parts in specific languages only? For example a Ukrainian support topic for visitors ofфорум only? And another support topic for https://www.livetube,tv/de/forum for visitors in the German language for example? 

We checked the documentation, but it seems still under construction for this topic.

So any support would be appreciated



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Hi @shl,

Posted by: @shl

How can we show additional or different forum parts in specific languages only?

You cannot do that, only different language boards.

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Hi @Chris - so could explain what Robert was referring to in this post please

"wpForo 2 lets you have different forum pages for each language in your website. So when you change the language, the main menu of your website can contain a link to the corresponding language forum.

EN website menu: [Home] [Forum (/forum/)] [Contacts]

TR website menu: [Home] [Forum (/forum-tr/)] [Kişiler]


The /forum/ user interface phrases are in English, the /forum-tr/ user interface phrases in Turkish. Correspondingly, the forums and topics will be created in the same language.

It doesn't matter what Multi Language plugins you use, wpForo 2 allows you to have different language forum pages so when you switch the language you can display the correct language forum."




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I'm not sure I gout you right, I see that you have 2 boards in your website, Ukrainian and English, so what do you want to do there?

And about the Menu Link, you can create a menu link in your Forum Menu, and set the URL of that Menu to the second board. So if the User presses the Menu Link, the user gets redirected to the second menu. Or Create 2 Menus Link for both boards in your Website Main Menu.

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Hi @Chris thanks for getting back


We have in 9 languages.

Currently for each and every language the same forum is shown just the meta data is appearing translated in the corresponding language.


I would like to 


1. show completely different boards for each language in the respective language


2. Show for example a dedicated Korean Support Board on the Korean forum or a dedicated German Support Board in the German language only. 

The only other option would be to show 9 languages on ALL forum pages.

But this is not what I understood from @Robert post


He is writing about having the same users but showing different forums - 

It doesn't matter what Multi Language plugins you use, wpForo 2 allows you to have different language forum pages so when you switch the language you can display the correct language forum."

Or does this mean that only the META DATA can be changed (phrases) but that we can not have different boards in the forums for each language?

Robert wrote, that multi language forums would now be supported. 
I would like to understand how this should work so that we have different boards for the different language forums.

Please advise



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Posted by: @shl

1. show completely different boards for each language in the respective language

You can create 9 boards and set different languages for each of those boards.

So you will have 9 forums in your website, each with its language.

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@chris OK - I think now I understand. I found the boards. 

Now the question is - we are using WPML as translation tool.
We already have the forum pages in the other languages and want to keep the slugs and URLs. 
How would we do this, just creating a new language board and use the existing page ID?
What happens then with

- the slug we should provide?
- name/ description and title?

Thanks for feedback

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I don't follow you, what do you mean by saying keep the slugs?

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@chris Here is what I meant to ask:

As you are aware we already have several language pages for our forum established and don't want to change any of the Titles, URL slugs or anything. We just want to replace the [wpforo] with the name for the new board which is created for the language board. 

For example our existing settings for the Spanish forum are:
URL:  and of course we have an existing Page ID for this 

Please advise what we should enter as board title, Board Lable and Slug ? I want to make sure that we are not destroying the already set up forum. 

We don't want to create a new page for the forum but use the existing, e.g. for the Spanish Forum

Many thanks


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The Board Title is the Name of The Forum in that specific language. Shown in the Forum Home Page under the Forum Menu.

The Board Label is what's the Forum Name in Dashboard(where the Forum Settings are)

The board slug is to set the path for the current Forum.


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@chris Many thanks that makes more sense now! 

Just to confirm: for the slug we would use /foro (for es) or is it /es/foro

And do we have to change the [wpforo] to anything else or would this placeholder stay for the language and the slug tells WP Foro that this is a different forum?


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/es/ is not part of wpForo, you need to insert: foro : no slash or anything else.

The [wpforo] shortcode should stay as it is.

There is a Language field in the Board settings, there you set the needed language for your Board.