Hi guys!
I discovered two problems after the last release:
- I stopped receiving the emails about the creation of new topics. The email notification about new posts works well.
- After the last release, I decided to make some changes in a template and moved a copy of Layout 3 to my theme folder. But the changes work only for logged users. Guests still see the unchanged version. I deleted the wpForo and site cache, but nothing was changed.
Any ideas? Or is this already known bugs?
Actually you are right about the (1). Just logged to a forum and found 2 new topics waiting for moderation.
Never got any email about that.
The first issue (new topic email) is already fixed in next version. If you need fix it urgently, please edit /wpforo/wpf-includes/wpf-hooks.php file, find these lines (there should be two matches):
if( !WPF()->perm->forum_can('vf', $topic['forumid'], $subscriber_groupid, $subscriber_secondary_groups) ){
Change to this:
if( $subscriber_groupid && !WPF()->perm->forum_can('vf', $topic['forumid'], $subscriber_groupid, $subscriber_secondary_groups) ){
The second issue should be cache issue. It's either website cache, wpForo HTML Cache or Object cache issue.