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[Closed] No background color on menu when viewing on cell phone in landscape mode

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When viewing my forum on a cell phone in portrait mode, the background color of the main menu shows up fine.  However, in landscape mode, the background color of the main menu seems to be transparent. In landscape mode, The white letters of the menu items do not show up on the underlying white background of the forum.  Please see the attached screen shots.

Any suggestions on how I can fix this?


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Hi @brosati

add this to custom css

@media screen and (max-width: 620px) {
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap #wpforo-menu .wpf-menu li {
background: #555;
margin: 0;

Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Style (custom css)

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Posts: 7

@tutrix That fixed it. Thank you!

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And this:


<!--Generated by Endurance Page Cache-->


MUST be removed totally.

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Also check this FAQ Topic about Cache: