Mar 11, 2019 8:22 pm
Text: "no forum selected" which appears if I want to add a new topic can not be translate.
It is missing both in wpForo and LOCO translate phrases.
1 Reply
Mar 12, 2019 12:20 pm
Hi @vit-hofman,
Thank you for letting us know. This will be fixed in next version release. If you need to resolve this asap please follow this steps:
1. In the wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-includes/class-template.php file find the following line (line 157)
<option class="wpf-topic-form-no-selected-forum" value="0">-- <?php _e('No forum selected', 'wpforo'); ?> --</option>
2. Replace to this one:
<option class="wpf-topic-form-no-selected-forum" value="0">-- <?php wpforo_phrase('No forum selected'); ?> --</option>
3. Navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page, click on [Rebuild Phrases] button
4. Navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page, find the "no forum selected" phrase and translate it.
Don't forget to delete all caches before checking.Â