Posted this question on the plugin forum on _wordpress.org_ I was advised to contact you, since they could not solve it.
When registering on the forum after receiving an email with a link to reset your password, clicking on it to the form, entering a new password in the form and clicking on the “Reset password” button throws the native WordPress login form with the error “Your link to reset your password is incorrect. Please request a new link below.”
The forum is located on a subdomain in WordPress Multisite, in the system settings it is set that “it is possible to create accounts without creating sites".
When I navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features Tab, and enable “Replace Reset Password Page URL to Forum Reset Password Page URL” - nothing changes. There are not many active plugins on the site:
Loco Translate
Page Links To
GP Premium
- when i disable them nothing changes.
The page I need help with: _forum.diagnozu.net/?foro=resetpassword&rp_key=38CBIxHbMczatfqjRvqC&rp_login=autoshkatulka
Please tell me can I do something about this?
Hi @shkatulka,
This issue has been resolved and will be available with the next 1.8.0 version update. Please wait for 12-24 hours we're currently preparing the new update.
After the update, the problem with registration was resolved, but there was a problem with the forum display - the layout broke and the ability to edit pages from the "Pages" section of the WP console was lost (white screen and nothing else).
The "GeneratePress Pro" theme is used.
In the attachment on the screen page of the post.
I've restored the main page to its normal appearance, but I can't handle the internal ones.