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[Solved] Profile Banner Image Not Updating

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Posts: 1415
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Unfortunately not
Images are stored in the browser cache, so the new images should be displayed after clearing the browser cache

See also this topic >> Profile Picture and Cover doesn't update automatically (cache problem?)


>> wpForo and Cache Plugins

Posts: 63
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Thank you for your time. It was actually as simple as clearing my image cache on my browser. I really thought this was an internal issue with a cache on WP or WpForo. I still don't get it, but works now. Many thanks. It is very appreciated.

Posts: 1415
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Joined: 4 years ago

Posted by: @danno6116

It was actually as simple as clearing my image cache on my browser.

I know, that's why I linked to clearing the browser cache in my first answer 😉 

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Posts: 63

@tutrix Yeah, I still dont get it. Thanks much for your help. 😊 But it worked

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I got it.... thank you

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