I am sure this is theme related, but not being a coder, that knowledge alone isn't enough for me to fix. There is a quote symbol showing up in replies that contain a quote from another post.
See the image I've attached
Hi Sapere Aude,
This is a small CSS conflict with your theme, We need an example of this issue, to provide some CSS solution for you. Please leave us an example URL with such kind of problem.
Here is a url
I think you will only have read access, just let me know if you need something else. and thank you!
Sapere Aude,
Use this CSS code. You need to put it in "Custom CSS Code" textarea in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page. Save it, delete all caches and do Ctrl+F5 on frontend:
.entry-content blockquote:before {
content: ' ' !important;