Sapere Aude
Sapere Aude
Trusted Member
Topics: 13 / Replies: 43
RE: Add forum signature through Ultimate Member profile

@hshah   Can you tell me the specific settings for the custom field in UM?

5 years ago
RE: How to give the same user different access to different forums?

Use UserGroups. Add a Usergroup that will only be allowed to see the specific forum(s). Add the user to that group. Create the forum and use Forum Per...

5 years ago
RE: 'Unread Topics' link placement

That did it, thank you!

6 years ago
RE: 'Unread Topics' link placement

OK did as you said above and the issue is still there. Here is the url to our forums:/p> Thank you!

6 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 2643
RE: Not all font awesome icons are showing

Honestly, I think this is really just one of those little things. Especially when you consider all of other great features and outstanding support for...

7 years ago
RE: Not all font awesome icons are showing

OK. I certainly do not mean to sound argumentative by any means, but how are we to know the difference? Is there a way to update the library on our en...

7 years ago
RE: Not all font awesome icons are showing

I have this issue on one forum as well. I have checked to make sure I was not trying to use a "premium" icon. In the screenshot you can see that the i...

7 years ago
RE: Leave A Reply Box

Thank you! Any chance of this becoming part of the core rather than having to install yet another plug in? If so, I'll wait 🙂

7 years ago
RE: Ultimate Member Live Notification problem with WPForo

Have you tested the quote bit? It would seem that, in this context, reply and quote would both create the notification, I haven't tested it either so ...

7 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 18449
RE: Annoying empty space on top of most cross-posted topics in the forum.

I think you'll have to direct this question to the Addon Support folks over at Gvectors 🙂

7 years ago
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