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I know with wpForo 2.x that "dislikes" have been introduced.

But I don't understand how they are used in this forum (

For example (Pic attached) I see that a user "reacted" to my post, but I can't see whether they liked the post or disliked it?


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Also what are the safeguards for abusing the Dislike for some account?

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Posted by: @fawp

For example (Pic attached) I see that a user "reacted" to my post, but I can't see whether they liked the post or disliked it?

Like/Dislike Stats 😉

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Posts: 201

Thanks @tutrix

Quoting that post here for others

Posted by: @robert


This is in our to-do list and will be available very soon. You'll be able to see likers and dislikers with the counts on each post.