I can always register via wordpress form, but I want to register via link http://example.pl/forum/?wpforo=signup which is provided in menu.
I set forum base url to 'forum' and I have wordpress template page for this (if it matters).I have debugging turned on, but there are no messages.
Also I've noticed that when I want to set custom URLs for login and for register it only works for login. Custom register link shows 404.
So next time explain correctly your problem.
I see that you are using W3TC c**p cache plugin, so disable if for wpForo. Maybe it creates your problems.
It was just example link, not my domain.
I described it correctly I think - main problem is that I cannot register because:
ERROR: This username is already registered. Please choose another one.
ERROR: This email is already registered, please choose another one.
I'm just trying all ways to figure out why registering is not working
I regret to admit that WPForo doesn't work with ACF Pro. Only after removing (not turning off) ACF Pro registration is working. But it's working with normal ACF.
I think is a big problem.
I regret to admit that WPForo doesn't work with ACF Pro. Only after removing (not turning off) ACF Pro registration is working. But it's working with normal ACF.
I think is a big problem.
There is no difference (in usability) that i know between disable a plugin and removing (uninstalling). Uninstalling just deletes the plugin and usually the database tables.
The plugin you mention is a paid plugin, so ask them for help.
Also you could check for debug.log errors. Could help.
I regret to admit that WPForo doesn't work with ACF Pro. Only after removing (not turning off) ACF Pro registration is working. But it's working with normal ACF.
Hi marta,
there are dozens of thousand plugins and all plugins conflicts with some of them. Plugin developers in most cases try to make them compatible with popular plugins and with free plugins. We're not familiar with ACF Pro plugin and we have no chance to debug it. Our free support time is not so large to be able do a deep debugs for PRO Wordpress plugins. it's better to ask them help you. Pro support should spend more time for their customers.