How to remove the post creation date from the RecentTopics widget?
I found this code in the RecentTopics.php file:
esc_html( wpforo_date( $topic['created'], 'ago', false ) ) (line 94)
But removing it breaks the website
You should never make changes in the core files. This can be done by a small JS script:
jQuery('#wpf-widget-recent-replies .postuser').html(function(_,h){ return h.replace(/\,.+?$/g,''); });
If you don't have a place for a JS code, then you should put it directly in the footer.php of your WordPress active theme with <script> ... </script> wrapper:
<script> jQuery('#wpf-widget-recent-replies .postuser').html(function(_,h){ return h.replace(/\,.+?$/g,''); }); </script>
is not working after the last update,
i want to hide the date, the "from" and the comments of the post not to be visible
The code was provided to hide the post date. And it does it right now. I cannot understand what else you're looking for. The code was only written to hide the post data from the widget. It does its job very well.