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[Solved] Remove the post creation date from the RecentPost widget

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It can be done by CSS code without making any changes in the core file. I see you've already made the core changes so I recommend revert it and use the following CSS code:
#wpforo #wpf-widget-recent-replies .wpforo-list-item-right p.posttext, 
#wpf-widget-recent-replies .wpforo-list-item-right p.posttext{
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Hello. The CSS doesn't seem to be working with the recent update, what update does it need to work again?

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The CSS does what it should, removing the post content from the Recent Posts Widget.

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@chris Am i the only one who can see the the white letters?

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Try this:

 .wpforo-widget-content .wpforo-list-item-right p.posttext{
   display:none !important;
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@chris Hello. I want to remove the "From" and the date from the widget too (white letters), but keep the name of the poster. I see the class postuser, but if I make add display:none to that it will also remove the poster name. Any ideas?

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Also add this:

.wpforo-widget-content .wpforo-list-item-right .postuser > font:nth-child(1),
.wpforo-widget-content .wpforo-list-item-right .postuser > font:nth-child(3),
.wpforo-widget-content .wpforo-list-item-right .postuser > span font{
   display:none !important;
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@chris Didn't work I'm afraid, white text is still there

I removed the date from recent posts by removing this  text: , <span style="white-space: nowrap;"><?php esc_html( wpforo_date( $post['created'] ) ) ?></span> from the RecentPosts.php file.

I can't find a way to remove it from RecentTopics though

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You can do it by CSS

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@edisonimplant As you can see in the replies above I'm using css provided by a wpforo admin but it doesn't seem to work. If you know of a css code that can remove what I want to remove, I'm all ears.

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Please provide the URL and a screenshot, I think I got you wrong.

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.wpforo-widget-content .wpforo-list-item-right .postuser span{display: none}


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@tutrix thank you worked perfectly

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