Reply button is unclickable for some users after they have already made some succesful posts..
Also, does the online status timeout setting mean the users will be auto logged out if they are not active?
The reply button "randomly" not working is a huge issue, is anyone else experiencing this?
I think the "save" button is very confusing and should be called reply....
Is it possible to change this?
as far as I see you have many issues on your website with wpForo, something irregular is going on your end, nobody reports so many problems like you. Could you please install a test clean WordPress in some sub-directory and test wpForo? I think this is a WordPress installation or Theme issue. I can't support each problem you have with your WP installation and Theme. wpForo doesn't have those problems in normal cases. Please do what I asked and then we'll help if the same problems will be on a clean WordPress. Also please leave the plan and the name of your hosting service.