I hate a slow website! What is the best way to allow avatars without slowing the site?
Currently, I have gravatar enabled. Members can also upload avatars, which they choose to do, but they are large and slow the site. If I resize them, it's fine for the widget and the forum but the pic on the profile page is distorted.
What am I missing here?
Hi @eel,
If I resize them, it's fine for the widget and the forum but the pic on the profile page is distorted.
Avatar thumbnail generator script is located in wpforo/wpf-includes/class-members.php file.
Find this line and change the value as you need:
$image->resize( 150, 150, true );
Also please read this FAQ topic: https://wpforo.com/community/faq/forum-is-slow/
Thank so much. This was my last question. Off to leave a review. I really appreciate how helpful you are. It's astonishing, really. Have a good day!