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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Search and categorize wpForo-Topics in the same way as normal WordPress-Pages or Wordpress-Posts

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Is it possible to search and categorize wpForo-Topics in the same way as normal WordPress-Pages or Wordpress-Posts?


The reason for this question is, because I have a grid-plugin with a search function, that allows you to search all Wordpress-Pages & Posts as well as to select and search only specific Wordpress-Categories.


After I just installed wpForo I have not yet figured out how to give wpForo-Topics the same status (relevance) as Wordpress-Pages & Posts and maybe even display and name categories, tags etc. like Wordpress-Pages & Posts... (see screenshot)


So my question is, if it is possible to edit and display wpForo-Topics in the same way, like normal Wordpress-Pages & Posts, so that they can also be found or sorted by other Grid- or Searchplugins on my website?


Thank you for your help 🙂

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What I basically need is the possibility to show the wpForo-Topics to query and to display them in the grid-filter… (see screenshot)

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So my question is, if it is possible to edit and display wpForo-Topics in the same way, like normal Wordpress-Pages & Posts,

I'm sorry but no. wpForo doesn’t use custom post types, so the topics and posts are not stored in wp_posts table, wpForo has its own tables for topics ( _wpforo_topics) and posts ( _wpforo_posts).
Custom post types are being stored in wp_posts and wp_postmeta table. All that you have in WP are already there. This becomes very large and heavy. If you familiar with MySQL you should know that it’s dozens of times faster to get x, y and z data from the same _wpforo_posts table than get those from two wp_post and wp_postmeta tables. wp_posts and wp_postmeta logic is terribly heavy for forums. Custom post types are not suitable for a professional and fast forum board.

Related topics below:

However, the wpForo plugin allows you search the topics by choosing the Category. Also, the plugin allows you make a search via tags. screenshots below:

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Thank you for your answer, that was very helpful! 🙂