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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Searching Doesn't Bring Up Search Results Page Anymore

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I'm having an issue in my forums now where whenever anyone does a search from the sidebar search field, the "working" circle icon comes up as it appears to be doing it's thing, then the page reloads but it doesn't show the "search results" box at the top or any search results below. Instead it just shows the main forum page with the latest forum topics. 

I deactivated ALL plugins except for "wpForo" (even all wpForo addons), and changed to one of the stock Wordpress themes, and still no search results page.

I can see at the top of the page the "?wpfs=film" is at the end of the page url after I try and do a search for the term "film" (for example). So, I can see that it should be working — it's just not displaying the search results.

Thanks for any help here.

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Press F12 and check the console of your browser for js or other errors.


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Thanks for helping Anonymous20. I'm knowledgeable enough to pull up console, but not enough to understand what I can do with the information that shows. It shows this single line of information:

jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.4.1:2 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1
2DevTools failed to parse SourceMap: file:///Users/curtis/Library/Application%20Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/aeblfdkhhhdcdjpifhhbdiojplfjncoa/1.18.0_0/inline/
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Hi @curtisb,

Please leave your forum URL to allow us to check it.

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Thanks for helping Alvina. The staging version of my website with just the wpforo plugin activated is:

Appreciate it. 🙂

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Thank you for the URL.

I've just asked our developers about the issue and currently, I'm waiting for the response from them. I'll update the topic asap.

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Hi @curtisb,

The issue is coming from your URL structure, and from the wrong configuration.

For some reason when we go to the following page:

it redirect to the following one:

For further support please send the admin login details to info[at] email address to allow us to check it.

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Hi @alvina,

Thank you again for looking into this for me.


The issue is coming from your URL structure, and from the wrong configuration.

I suppose you could say maybe it's a slightly unorthodox URL structure, but not unreasonable. I run a membership area on my website so all of my member content is under the parent "/member" structure. My Community (forum) is for members so it too has the "/member" structure. 

I didn't do any wizardry to make this happen, I just used the "Forum Base URL" field in the wpForo Settings > General Tab and told it to use "member/community" for my community. I've had it working like this for over 2 years now and it's worked perfectly. I've never had a problem with search until now either — though I can't say exactly when search stopped working (this week, two weeks ago.. etc) So, unless a recent update to wpForo now disallows parent page URL structure, I'm a bit confused how this could possibly be an issue now. 


For further support please send the admin login details to info[at] email address to allow us to check it.

Okay. I just emailed admin credentials.


Thanks, Alvina.



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Hi @curtisb,

The issue is fixed by our developers. 


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Oh great to hear! 🙂 

Is this something I will need to wait for a plugin update in order for it to be fixed on my live version of my website? Or, is it something that I can replicate on my live version of my website now?

(I do see that someone got search working on my "staging" version that I sent my login credentials for! Yay!)

Thanks, Alvina

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The issue will be fixed in the next update.

However to solve it on your live website as soon as possible, please copy the /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/ from the standing site and overwrite it to the live site corresponding folder.

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Thank you for the confirmation of the tip. Your all's "fix" is now working fine on my live website. 

Appreciate it!

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Oops, I take that back. I thought it was a perfect fix. After the /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/ folder was copied to my live website, search works again but I just realized the plugin now shows up as and has the functionality of woForo v. 1.6.5 not 1.7.2 like my staging version currently shows after you all did the fix. 

Very strange. Your developers must have changed something in there that doesn't copy over. 

I had my managed host look into it for a while and they tried copying it twice and each time it did the same thing — shows up as the old 1.6.5. So, I seem to have lost the new features functionality (notifications and the new profile widget) that came out with version 1.7.0+. Fingers crossed, hopefully you all will have the new update soon! 🙂 

But, at least search works with the old 1.6.5, so I have that working in there again at least. I guess a fair trade. 😉 

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As I alredy mentioned the issue will be fixed in the next version update.
In case if you can't wait for an updae please send the live site admin login details to info[at] email address.The developers fix it for you.