This is regarding an earlier post by @Robert from 2020 about using shortcodes to link different categories or topics.
Deerfield Fishing Piers (e.g. ID = 2)
— What is best time to go fishing here
— Hints and Tricks to Fishing Deerfield
Sunglow Fishing Pier (e.g. ID = 10)
— Sunglow Fishing Ideas
— Is there parking at sunglow
1. You can create a new page for Deerfield Fishing Pier and insert this shortocde in this page: [wpforo item="forum" id="2"]
2. You can create a new page for Sunglow Fishing Pier and insert this shortocde in that page: [wpforo item="forum" id="10"]
Back in 2020 - "The shortcode is only designed to display certain category, forum or topic list, it doesn't create separate working forum."
Has there been any updates that if we use a shortcode to link a specific category on a unique page then individuals do not have to leave that page to comment and interact? I really dont want users to have to leave a category page to head over to main forum and then back.
@nolan59 Does your code that allows user to stay on the same page still work? Any other solutions that you have found?