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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Shift + Enter to break lines problem

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Vít Hofman
Posts: 139
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Minor problem with text editor.
Forum member warned me about a problem.
She uses shift + enter to break lines. She doesn't want a new paragraph, just break a line.
After about a third line break with shift + enter, the space bar will stop working. You cannot insert a space in the text.

I personally do not know or use this feature. But obviously, the others do.
If anything could be done, it would be great.

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Posts: 393
Posted by: vit.hofman

Minor problem with text editor.
Forum member warned me about a problem.
She uses shift + enter to break lines. She doesn't want a new paragraph, just break a line.
After about a third line break with shift + enter, the space bar will stop working. You cannot insert a space in the text.

I personally do not know or use this feature. But obviously, the others do.
If anything could be done, it would be great.

@vit-hofman I took your source code and tried it on my site - I am unable to replicate this, and it works as expected

<p>first row - shift + enter<br />second row - shift + enter<br />thirdrow-shif+enter<br />fourthwor-enter</p><p>fire row - enter</p><p>sis row - shift + enter<br />sevent row - shift + enter<br />eightrow-shift+enter<br />ninthrow-enter</p><p>tenth row.<br />    lkjlkjfdgd</p><p>          dflikgjdflkjgdflkgj<br /><br />       sd.;fmsd;lkfds;lk</p>

TinyMCE (and several other WYSISWYG editors) have always used SHIFT + ENTER to create a line break. There is a function you can use in TinyMCE to prevent this.

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Posted by: vit.hofman

Minor problem with text editor.
Forum member warned me about a problem.
She uses shift + enter to break lines. She doesn't want a new paragraph, just break a line.
After about a third line break with shift + enter, the space bar will stop working. You cannot insert a space in the text.

I personally do not know or use this feature. But obviously, the others do.
If anything could be done, it would be great.

Hi @vit-hofman 

Make sure you are typing regularly, and not pressing the "Code icon" while typing. If the bottom left corner  of the text box shows "P" that means you are typing in regular paragraph form, and the line will automatically break as you are typing ... like this.

However if you press the code icon above, then it means you have, maybe unintentionally, clicked and triggered the "<>" 

And then the bottom left corner will look like "PRE": which means you have 
triggered the "PRE" setting (which is used for code, and so it will look 
like this, and in order to break the line, you would have to press shift enter.")   

As the Admin, you can always go into that specific post and look at the source code. (On the post itself, click "Edit" then view the Source Code by pressing the {;} icon. It most probably has an open

 setting in there that needs to be closed with a "</pre>"

The attached picture below might help explain the distinction.

And then if that still does not explain it and you think it is a "bug" you can create a bug report here:

Vít Hofman
Posts: 139
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Joined: 6 years ago

first row - shift + enter
second row - shift + enter

fire row - enter

sixth row - shift + enter
sevent row - shift + enter

tenth row.


Source code is this:

<p>first row - shift + enter<br />second row - shift + enter<br />thirdrow-shif+enter<br />fourthwor-enter</p><p>fire row - enter</p><p>sis row - shift + enter<br />sevent row - shift + enter<br />eightrow-shift+enter<br />ninthrow-enter</p><p>tenth row.</p>


Try it. It is not problem only on my website. The bug also appears on the forum here.

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Shift+Enter ads <br/> (one liken break)

Simple Enter create paragraph <p></p> (two line breaks)

There is no any issue with these hot-keys, you can press theme how many time you want w/o any issue:

row 1
row 2
row 3
row 4
row 5
row 6

Just make sure you don't copy paste the row, make sure all is manually written.