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Signature not showing up for all users

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2 Users
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Posts: 61
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I've been trying to troubleshoot a user's signature not showing up without any luck. His profile page (link) lists a signature, but every post he makes only shows the dashed lines and an empty signature. Here is an example of one of his posts (link). Inspecting the page, no data shows up in the HTML code. We've tried a myriad of text in the signature, just letters, numbers, etc. with no success. I've synched profiles, deleted caches, also with no success. Any ideas?


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Hi @seancallahan,

I'm sorry, but I have no idea. I'd only recommend delete wpForo cache and make sure the issue is not related to the emoji in the signature.

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Posts: 61

@robert Thanks, we've tried both of those multiple times. I'll keep troubleshooting.
