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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Specific forum and notification of posts for all registered users

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We have a forum that is for important communications. 
We would like all our registered and admin members to receive an email when there is a new topic on this forum. 
I have added the admins to the notification email.  
Is there an automated way to add registered members?
I tried to find this exact question answered but could not.  Please help!

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Hi @denisec,

I'm sorry but there is no option in wpForo to force receiving emails if they are not subscribed. Forum only sends email to users who are subscribed.

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Too bad.  We just imported our Forums from BBPress.  Members are not receiving their subscribed email notification to forums.  I guess they will have to subscribe again....

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What we decided to do was add the emails for both admins and registered users to this forum to the admin notification email.  So far it has worked. Seems inelegant. Really this was a problem that the subscriptions did not transfer over from bbpress.  There are other work arounds I can think of but so far this appears to be working. 
Otherwise *love* the forum.  I have not had to go in like BBPress and muck with the tables or the css to get things to work properly - and that is a HUGE plus.   


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The migration tool doesn't migrate subscriptions, this is out of the tool working functions.