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[Closed] Speed problems

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Also you should use .htaccess to BLOCK some user agents that are well knows to scrape  and attack.


If you want, i can expand on this.

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Posted by: @percysgrowroom

Why are the queries taking so long? And how can I fix the problem? I am also getting lots of warnings from my host saying i am running out of memory, when it really shouldn't be the case.... It has been happening for a while and i was hoping the new wordpress update would fix it, but it hasn't....

Any suggestions? It took over 80 seconds for this page ot load. Usually it is done in half a second

Yes, this function could work slow if there are not indexed data in a large datable. Sometimes MySQL tables need to be optimized and re-indexed. We're currently working on this part of the forum to make such functions work very fast. The update comes this week, so please wait for it.

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@robert Yes!!!!! Good to hear, and good to hear from you!! I hope everything is ok with the team, we have all been very concerned

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No code will fix an issue that we don't know from what comes from.

For example a FAST scraper or an attacker, probing 100+ times per seconds.....

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We're going to change the multi their data collecting algorithm to one layer, so this will definitely fix this issue.

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Posts: 1213

@robert Thanks Robert, I have noticed the same thing happens on this site too. So looking forward ot the update to see what it fixes

Also, could you give us an update on what's going on with the paid support thing? We have some concerns and was wondering if you could put our minds at ease : )

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Also @robert, admins posts seem to not be showing in the side bar

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It works fine. I see my posts in the sidebar.

Please keep the topic Q&A matching to the topic title. 

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@percysgrowroom It would be very useful to install somekind of realtime visitors viewer, so you can see what is going on on your site.

Also Wordfence has a RATE LIMITER that will help you find our the offenders. Wordfence Realtime Traffic (for ALL traffic) is telling you what is happening. You need to sit down for some hours and monitor what is going on..... Who is doing what ....

But mind you, Wordfence is heavy ... You may need to uninstall it after findings. After 1-2 days.

AND if you decide to use it, DISABLE the SCAN OPTION, DEFINITELY.

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