Have you tried to drag and drop forums : https://wpforo.com/docs/root/categories-and-forums/forum-manager/
In the Dashboard > Forums > Forums admin page you can drag and drop forums and create forum hierarchy. Just don't forget scroll down and click on the [Save forums order and hierarchy] button to save it.
Also you can set parent / child forums by editing a forum and using according option in top right admin box: https://wpforo.com/docs/root/categories-and-forums/forum-manager/add-new-forum/#forum-options
I am not too interested in letting people post is some forums and would rather they drop to a sub to post. since i cant do sub categories, is there a way to stop people from posted in certain forums but keeping posting available in the sub forums?
@robert okay so heres what is happening. got 2 blue categories. i take one and set it as a child to another category, it will automatically turn to a forum from a category. if i edit a child forum and select the category box, it automatically unchilds itself and becomes a parent category. i have been updating and saving hierarchy
Yes that's correct. The category can only be a parent, as it's explained in documentation. But the sub-category is the same as sub-forum so it's must always be forum. There is no way to create a category section in forum. Sections are the top structures of forum hierarchy, they are not sub-structures.
As you can see only three level of depth can be set on home page, other levels of sub-forums are displayed when you go to parent sub-forum page.
Forum Home:
- -- Category
- --- Forum
- ---- Sub-Forum
If the Sub-Forum has another sub-forum you'll be able to see it when you click on Sub-Forum page.
Please leave some example or schema what kind of forum hierarchy/tree you're trying to create.