As the topic title.
Log Viewed Forums and Topics: yes
Track Forum and Topic Current Viewers: yes
Topic Links Jump to First Unread Post: yes
Jump to First Unread Post with [new] Button in Topic Link: yes
I made a brand new account on the forum, so every single topic link has the "new" text. However, none lead to the first unread post (the first post), instead it goes to the last post of the topic. Am I supposed to wait for "newer" replies for this to work?
Disabled cache plugin, click on "delete all caches" when testing.
Using wpForo version 1.9.7
Jump to First Unread Post with [new] Button in Topic Link: yes
If you set this option YES, it makes the [new] button jumping to the last unread post and removes that function from the topic title, thus you should click the [new] button to go to the last unread post. So just disable this option if you want the titles of topics to do the jumping:
- Jump to First Unread Post with [new] Button in Topic Link: NO
First: it doesn't look like the [new] button can be clicked. The green button with class wpf-new-button cannot be clicked as it doesn't have a link inside it
Second: setting "Jump to First Unread Post with [new] Button in Topic Link" to No removes the "new" indicator. Isn't it possible to have the "new" indicator AND take the user to the last unread post when clicking the topic title?