Sep 05, 2022 5:17 pm
Does anyone know how to make it that whoever's topic it is when they reply to comments that they don't need to come through myself for moderation at all?
1 Reply
Sep 05, 2022 8:47 pm
If you want to fully disable the topic/post moderation, you should do the following settings in wpForo > Settings > Spam Protection admin page:
1. Edit the default usergroups you want in wpForo > Usergroups admin page and ENABLE "Front - Can pass moderation" permission. It should be checked.
2. Go to wpForo > Settings > Spam Protection Tab and update the following options:
- Enable wpForo Spam Control: No
- Ban user when spam is suspected: No
- Spam Suspicion Level for Topics: 0
- Spam Suspicion Level for Posts: 0
- ---
- User is New (under hard spam control) during first [X] posts: 0
- Posts must be manually approved: No
- Min number of posts to be able to edit profile information: 3
3. Go to wpForo > Overview admin page, scroll down and click the [Delete Users Cache] button.