After performing a restore of a file I have previously restored from (pre-WPFORO installation) I am now unable to even login, and recieve the following error. All my formatting and all the hard work I have put into my site is gone. Please advise ASAP.
Hi lplplpx3,
Something is incorrectly restored. Please connect via FTP to file system or use cPanel > File manager of your hosting service and delete the /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/ folder. Then login, search and install wpForo again.
I did that...I removed all wpforo plugins snd it lets me login BUT with no access to any of the WordPress dashboard so I am unable to do anything at all. Please note that I have restored from the exact same backup at least 3 times with absolutely no problem PRIOR to the WPForo installation.
What is the reason of restoring? Is your website crashed or have you made any change in hosting service settings (PHP, MySQL)? The issue 100% comes from your side, something is crashed or hard-changed in database or in file system. We can help you to fix this issue if you send WordPress admin and Hosting Server cPanel login details to support[at] email address.
Thanks I got it fixed, not sure what happened but the error was throwing from WPForo thats why I contacted you.