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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Forum stats not updating after server move

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Posts: 245
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I've recently moved to a new hosting server with a new provider. Everything migrated perfectly except that the Forum Statistics bar doesn't update automatically anymore. I can clear the forum caches ("Delete all caches" button), then clear the hosting and CloudFlare caches and it updates, but I have to manually do that from time to time.

Is there anything I can do to make this more automated like it was prior to the move?

Thank you!

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Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Wendell,

Please specify which stat exactly you mean in footer statistic bar?

And please check and make sure the HTML cache is disabled in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page.

Posts: 245
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It seemed to be all the stats. I deleted all caches in wpForo settings, all server caches, and CloudFlare caches, but the stats wouldn't update. However, after waiting a few days, it seems to have fixed itself. Sounds like a caching issue, so I'm a little bit confused as to why it would take a few days even though I had cleared all caches. But it does seem to be updating automatically on its own now.

Thanks for getting back to me, I guess we are good to go for now. 🙂

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Circling back to this, I've given it some time and kept an eye on it. It seems that all of the stats update like they should, EXCEPT for the number of members and newest member. The only way to get those two items to update is to clear the cache at my host (which I believe is Varnish).

I don't know if this is something I have to work with my host to fix, or if there's something that can be done on our end to fix that.


Posts: 10587
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Joined: 9 years ago

Hi Wendell,

The member information is not actively (life-time) updated. The new user registration doesn't delete statistic cache and doesn't rebuilt it. Me make it so to keep forum lighter. Sometimes spam registrations may reset cache very often and affect forum performance. The statistic cache is updated during a day. However the online users information is updated without any cache.