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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] users into usergroups, impossible to move/view

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I had discussed about deleting and recreating my dummy users. Now I seem to have a problem in the backend, as I need to assign over 12K users to my custom role:

1) there's no way of bulk doing that, I must do it manually

2) even by doing so, the total users list don't diminish and I have to go to next page each time

3) even by doing so, users' count from the original group don't diminish so it's impossible to filter the ones already added in step 1

4) if I re-assign a custom role to the original role, the custom role users' count is stuck and doesn't diminish

Something has gone wrong here. I need some automation. Can I do anything from Usergroups page? Please advice.

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Posted by: @agendavolo

I had discussed about deleting and recreating my dummy users. Now I seem to have a problem in the backend, as I need to assign over 12K users to my custom role:

1) there's no way of bulk doing that, I must do it manually

2) even by doing so, the total users list don't diminish and I have to go to next page each time

3) even by doing so, users' count from the original group don't diminish so it's impossible to filter the ones already added in step 1

4) if I re-assign a custom role to the original role, the custom role users' count is stuck and doesn't diminish

Something has gone wrong here. I need some automation. Can I do anything from Usergroups page? Please advice.

Yea I do experience the same too.

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Please leave a screenshot of the usergroup admin page and let me know the current usergroup of the users you want to attach to the custom usergroup.

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in the screenshot you can see how my custom usergroup (fake users) is still showing the few I added manually but then un-assigned.

I want to move all "registered" into "fake users", I need to do it in one go (you can see how many they are), and I need the counting to be real

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Please take a full width/height screenshot of this page.

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Ok, this SQl will move all users from the Registered usergroup (ID:3) to fake usergroup (ID:6). Use your hosting cPanel > phpMyAdmin database manager, backup the wp_wpforo_profiles table, then execute this SQl in the SQl Tab, make sure the table prefix wp_ is correct, if your tables' prefix is different, change it in the SQL command:

UPDATE `wp_wpforo_profiles` SET `groupid` = 6 WHERE `groupid` = 3
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After executing his SQl, go to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard and click the [Delete all caches] button.

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easy as pie, my usergroups now show all right... yet, the counts in the users page (WP dashboard) are still showing as in my previous screenshot

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Usergroups don't have any relation to WP users page, there is no usergroups in the WP users page. If you mean the members page then please specify, be more clear.

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@robert see the image attached (it's from the "user page", not the "forum members page"): what I mean is that after I successfully run the SQL query and assigned users to my custom-role, Wordpress is still counting them as when I opened this post

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These are User Roles, these are not usergroups. User Roles are WordPress parts, it doesn't have any relation to wpForo. You should find a solution in WordPress support forum or in a Wp plugin:

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Something like this:

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but actually, if I look at each user individually it is set with my normal role, so I don't understand why the roles' count doesn't reflect that