Hi great people!
I have been using WPForo for over an year.
As I am growing the users number I let some spammers to sign up, just to look more popular, then once it has become popular , I will get rid of spammers... I am wondering whether that could cause the following issue.
I completed the migration from www.fineco-bank.com to www.fineco-cfd.com .
The migration seemed done sucessfully.
The website is in two languages, but the WPforo in it has been always just in English language.
In the new website, I noticed that the WPforo menu is in Italian language now... that's weird... when I tried the menu function, the links are broken.
Today I spent the whole day, I couldn't fix it...
Anybody can help?
Thanks in advance.
I see the forum, it works fine. So it's hard to find the issue you're mentioning.
If you want to change the forum default language you can set it in wpForo > Boards > Edit Boards admin page.