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[Closed] WordPress users verses WPForo Members

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There are WordPress users that I do not want to include as Forum members. What is the "recommended" way to remove these members without impacting their access to the rest of my wwebsie?

4 Replies
Posts: 10591
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Joined: 9 years ago

Hi @rhj4,

You can choose the usergroups which can be displayed in the members list. In wpForo > Usergroups admin page, edit the usergroup you don't want to display and uncheck the "Display on Members List" option :


Also, you can hide the whole members directory and members profiles for certain usergroups. So the users of that usergroup will not be able to see all members or even profiles of members:


As the admin, you can change the usergroup of any user on front-end (User profile > Account) and in backend (Users > Edit user).


Posts: 6
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Thank you for your comprehensive replay. It came in just as I was headed to bed. I will follow up in the morning and will be happy to speak highly of your product and team as I get to know both in the coming weeks.

I have been a software developer for over 55 years and know how difficult it is to build and maintain a complex product like WPRofo.

Seeing that you had posted the database schema warmed my heart. I have been using Gravity Forms and several related plugins for several years now and am acutely aware of how the developers of Gravity Forms did not seem to realize the impact that the architectural mistakes they made by trying to fit everything into the WP core tables would massively limit their growth possibilities. 

This leads me to one question I have about WPForo. I have had difficulties getting the Forum page(s) working as DIVI pages. I made a little headway tonight, but it still feels rather fragile. Do you have any suggestions about using these two produces together?

And with that, I bid you good night.

Bob Jones

Posts: 10591
Support Team
Joined: 9 years ago

Thank you @rhj4,

We'd need admin login details to be able check and fix the Divi page integration issue. You can send the login details to support[@] email address.

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Joined: 2 years ago

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Posts: 6

@robert I created an admin account for you on my website at 

The Forum men tab will show you where I am in process of configuring WPForo. 

I want the UI to be as clean as we can make it. I do not want o need the images above each member - a useless waste of screen realest ate. 

Thanks for your support.

Bob Jones