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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] wpforo 1.4.12: Dashboard "profile data are not synchronized yet" never finishes synch

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Posts: 111
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Hi wpforo support,

I use Wordpress Social Login to allow wpforo login/user creation based of previous Facebook/Google/Reddit accounts:

Under wpforo 1.3.1, this worked great and users created would appear in the wpforo dashboard.

With the wpforo 1.4.x series, these social login user can login and appear, but is not registered in the dashboard. Along with that, this dashboard error message appears:

wpForo Forum Installation | 99.9% (5522 / 5526)

Forum users' profile data are not synchronized yet, this step is required! Please click the button below to complete installation.



Upon reviewing the db, I can see that wp_wpforo_profiles and wp_users/wp_usermeta are out of synch.

Please provide a fix for this attempted synchronization that never completes.

4 Replies
Posts: 10583
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Joined: 8 years ago

Please ignore the 6 non-synced users. Something is wrong with them. In most cases they are spam or non complete removed users. Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page and set "Yes" the "Turn Off User Syncing Note" option.

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Robert, I have set the Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Features admin page and set "Yes" the "Turn Off User Syncing Note" option.

It has made no difference.

The Forum users' profile data are not synchronized yet, this step is required! Please click the button below to complete installation warning continues to be shown in the wpforo dashboard.

Posts: 10583
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Joined: 8 years ago

This problem is fixed. There were about  hundred of users in wp users database who had not capabilities in usermeta table. wpForo could not recognize these users. We've added a small condition to accept this kind of users with default usergroup. Now synchronization is complete.

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Joined: 8 years ago

Confirmed. The dashboard synchronization warning message is now gone. Thank you for your prompt help 🙂