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[Closed] wpForo multi-boards + Ultimate Member = missing subscriptions

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I am trying to use multi-boards support offered in v2. I also use Ultimate Member plugin which wpForo is integrated with. Seeing 2 issues:

1. Counts for User Activity statistics are wrong (see attached)

2. I have 4 boards. When my user clicks Subscribe or Like buttons in Board 1 - subscriptions are visible under his account. Same actions done on the other 3 boards are not reflected under his account at all. What am I missing here?


Thank you 

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There is no support for UM if you use wpForo multi-board. I'm sorry, but you should use wpForo Profile page if you are going to use wpForo as mult-board.

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Thank you for quick response. And the counts - is it a bug?

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Posts: 10548


It's not a bug. There is no integration for wpForo multi-board and UM plugins. The integration was only made for single board wpForo.

BTW, I'd recommend enabling wpForo profile page and change the Profile Page to wpForo in wpForo > Settings > Member Profile admin page. The forum profile has lots of new features that are not available in UM.

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@robert We have to use Ultimate Member to provide content restrictions based on user roles. Unless wpForo v2 rolled out its own content restriction mechanism?

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wpForo doesn't have any relation to UM content restriction mechanism.