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[Closed] /? wpforo=signup in my BLOG posts logs

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I see that many blog posts VISITS in my LOG, have "/? wpforo=signup" at the end of url!

What could that be? I don't use anything like that anywhere.


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Hi @dimalifragis,

This is the old URL structure of wpForo, which has been changed after 2.x.

Delete old indexed URLs from Google and insert the new sitemaps for new indexing.

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Old URL structure in my BLOG POSTS? What wpForo has to do with Wordpress blog posts?

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It can be because of inserting wpForo widget in those pages. For Example, Login Reg, which added wpForo URL structure…

For now, you can delete them, and that's all.

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NEVER had those in non-wpforo pages. And i always use WP standard login/register/password, even in wpForo page.

Anyways, thanks i will see what i can do.

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Even on new blog posts, links are on the internet with


at the end of the url.

I still don't get what wpForo has to do with the blog post urls. I just don't.


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Those are old URL's, before 1.7.1 the URLs were with ?wpforo, but after 1.7.1 the URL have been changed to ?foro, and after 2.x they have been fully changed.

Maybe you have old customizations, used wpForo menu or widgets out of wpForo pages. That could be a reason.

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