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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Delete font size option in the text editor

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Good Morning.

I'm customizing the forum and changing what I do not want to use in the text editor.

Thanks to one of your support responses in an old theme I have disabled the option to put codes with CSS:

# wpforo-wrap .mce-toolbar .mce-btn button i.mce-i-code {
     display: none;
# wpforo-wrap .mce-toolbar .mce-btn button i.mce-i-codesample {
     display: none;

It has worked great.

I would like to know how I can disable the option to change the size of the font in the text editor, so that only the size that I have predetermined is used.

Greetings, thank you.

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Hi Mikel,

use the following CSS code:

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .mce-toolbar .mce-btn-group #mceu_0.mce-btn.mce-listbox {
display: none !important;

Don't forget to delete all caches and do Ctrl+F5 on front-end.

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Posts: 5

@sofy hi there. it works quite fine for the simplified template to hide the font size in the editor.

in the threaded template the font size selection is still available (after clicking to create a new topic > choosing the subforum).

any idea how to solve that?


cheers, jayster


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@jayster Please open a new topic.


Posts: 7
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Joined: 7 years ago

It works perfect, thank you very much.

Just a note, you have responded so fast that you almost do it before I write the question 😉 .

Good plugin and great support, you are great.