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[Solved] Registration Page Problem

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In our registration page, there are in large bold letters (User fields) and I don't know how it got there.  I have checked in the registration form design area and find nothing to explain why it's there.  Check out the attached screenshot.  You can also visit the registration page to see what I mean  

Any advice is appreciated as soon as possible.


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Hi @hollywood,

please disable Elementor and see what happens to User Fields.

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Hello Chris- 

As soon as I disabled Elementor, the "User fields" text vanished.

I need Elementor to use the features on our site.  Do you know a way I can rid our site of this issue?  I've used WPFORO on another site with Elementor and never had this issue.

Thanks for you help or any suggestions you have.

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You need to find why Elementor adds it in registration field. I don't think that Elementor added that text itself. You have added it there somehow, just didn't notice that part when working with the Elementor.


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Finally figured it out.  I was being caused by the ACF plugin, a long time ago I was tinkering and created a field group called User fields and it somehow got connected to WPFORO.

All good now and thank you for your help.