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Script [Solved] Forum Profile Fields

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Hey wpForo-Team and Forum Members,

I've searched the net™ awell as well as here in the forum but found no solution for my problem:

I have WordPress 5.8.1 installed in a multisite environment and activated wpForo on one of its member sites.
I have super admin permissions on all sites and I get voluntary support of other people on that specific instance with wpForo activated. Those volunteers have admin permission on that WordPress instance only as well as admin permission within the wpForo configuration.

Now the problem:
These volunteers don't see the "Forum Profile Fields - wpForo" area within the edit user section.
Withins the same section this area is shown to me when loggin on with my account that has super user permissions.

I'v tried everything that came into my mind and as stated before searched the whole internet !believe me i printed every website of the internet! 😉 but found nothing substantial that was of help.

Did I found a bug? Did I miss information that is not printed to my internet hardcopy?

Any suggestion or explanation would be of great help!


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... and one more thing that I explored a couple of seconds ago:

If you select the menu "New User" the "Forum Profile Fields - wpForo" area is shown - even to "regular" site/instance admins.

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Hi @raupe,

If you are talking about wpForo User Custom Fields add-on please create your topic at in wpForo add-on Support category, this support forum is only for wpForo, and please make screenshots of your issue when creating the topic.

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Hey @chris,

thanks for investigating this topic.

I've talking about wpForo only - wpForo User Custom Fields is not installed in my WP instance.
Sadly it is possible to add only one screenshot here (but I've three)

Instead of creating 2 additional posts, I've linked them here:

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The user must be a super admin on the website to see/edit that field.

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Hey @chris,

thanks for the Feedback.
I would recommend to change this, as many multisite super admins wont allow that permission to their regular site admins. It is also not mentioned in any documentation but is a show stopper in the usability of your addon within multisite installations.
On multisite install super admins do support & dev of the technical infrastructure. Instead of them the site admins of an multisite are operational focused on the specific topics of their site - like user and content management.

Another point I've already highlighted in my second post ( creates an inconsistency here:

The Field is available for super & regular admins in the "New User" area ( https://YOURdomain.TLD/wp-admin/user-new.php) >- see attached screenshot.

Would be great to have the wpForo Fields available on all necessary areas for regular admins on multisite installations.

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Thank you, @raupe,

I will send your proposal for consideration.

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Hello again,
are there any news about a possible bugfix/timeline?
Would be fantastic to have this solved.

Thanks for all your efforts!

BR Ralf

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This is not a bug. Admins can manage users profile fields in user account page on the front-end. The dashboard is not the only option. Just click a user link, then go to the user account tab and manage all fields of this user.

We cannot do any changes now, because wpForo will not release new versions in the near future. We're currently working on the next 2.0 major version, and it may came in a few months.

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@robert I think you talk about general settings that can be managed in WP-Foro Frontend.
Within that setting only one/the primary group can be set.

I've talked about the (secondary) group-membership settings that could only be edited in the role as super admin in multisite installations - but not as regular site admin. (pls see discussion above).

As pointed out the group membership settings are surprisingly available for regular site admins in the new user process (but hidden in the edit user process).
Therefore I assumed its a bug.

Do you have an rough estimate of the ETA of version 2.0?
... and does it contain/fix the feature to edit secondary user groups within the above mentioned edit user workflow?

Thanks for your hard work on that great extension and sorry if my explanations have been ot precise enough in the past posts.

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We'll check and make sure whether the allowing of regular admins to manage users is secure or not. We don't want to give capabilities to an admin of Site 1 to manage users of Site 2. This should be checked again for the v2.0.

At the moment, you can enable Secondary Usergroups field in the front-end Profile > Account page using this code. So your admins will be able to manage it directly in the user's account page:

add_filter('wpforo_get_account_fields', function ($fields){
$secondary_groups = array( 'secondary_groups' );
$primary_group_key = array_search('groupid', $fields[0][0]);
array_splice( $fields[0][0], ($primary_group_key + 1), 0, $secondary_groups );
return $fields;
}, 10);

Put this code in the functions.php file of the current active WordPress theme, or use Code Snippets plugin.


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@robert Hey Robert,
thanks you very much for the snippet - it works like a charm! 😎
Now regular site admins are able to set secondary user group permissions.