We just release 1.0.2 version!
All WordPress installations with different Site and Home URLs in Dashboard > Settings > General admin page can continue updating and using wpForo. This issues is fixed.
1.0.x is stable now. We fixed all bugs related to Beta-6 > 1.0.x upgrade. The main issue was missing forums and missing forum page. These issues had two reasons. First(incorrect pageid) was fixed in 1.0.1. Second (WP installation with different WordPress and Site Address) has been fixed in this 1.0.2 version. Lots of small bugs are fixed two.
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Thanks for being the best forums out there!!! Only thing i could use now is a simple front-end forums manager so my forum admins do not need access to the backend functions.
Thank you Nemo,
You can manage all accesses of Usergroups in Forums > Usergroups admin page. Only WP administrators have permissions to manage forums in dashboard. wpForo admin without having WordPress administrator role can't access to Forum management page.
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
wpForo translated to spanish es_MX last versión (1.0.2) MO & PO files
Thank you very much N3k0,
I just updated wpForo repository on wordpress.org
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We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Sorry to ask again but when will be available to buy advanced media upload addon?
Any idea of release dates for add ons? private messaging , advanced upload display?
We got dozens of new feature requests every day, so this is the main reason of addon's delay. There are many urget features and functions we have to add in wpForo before release addons. We hope all will be done by end of this month and we could release some addons with 1.0.3 wpForo version.
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
I have an issue with your plugin There are 2 spaces between the words "weeks ago" everywhere. Please tell me the file and line number where i can remove the extra space. We are also sharing a screenshot for your better understanding.
Please open /wpforo/wpf-includes/functions.php file.
Find this line:
$d = human_time_diff($timestamp) . ' ';
and change to this:
$d = human_time_diff($timestamp);
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Hi Robert,
We have a few sites waiting to go live but can't do so until messaging is available. I know you're working hard but could you please give us an update as to how much longer before it's available? Sorry to be a pest but we need to give our customers an ETA.
I think the end point is 12-13 November.
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
Thanks Robert - looking forward to all the new stuff coming out.
I have four forums of id =1, 3, 10, 15.
And I should show them in two pages separately with both two forums.
I set [wpforo item="forum" id=1,3]
my site is www.flexsim.co.kr.
But the first page display all four forums.
How can I control it?
This is wrong syntax. There is no way to use multi forum ids. This shortcode only supports one id. e.g.: [wpforo item="forum" id=3]
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.