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[Solved] Handling user avatar with Ultimate Member plugin

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I use Ultimate Member plugin for Login and Registration which I want instead of WP Foro options.

I have disabled/hide 'Site Profile' option using CSS code and set Replace Author Avatar with Forum Profile Avatar to Yes.

If member upload avatar using forum account section then it is not updating at UM avatar.

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Hi @ganeshk,

If Replace Author Avatar with Forum Profile Avatar option is enabled, wpForo will use WordPress hooks and replace Blog Post author and Comment author avatar with Forum avatar and this option works correct, it does for what it is created for, however this option won't change Profile System Avatars as they have higher priority on WordPress get_avatar Function.


Download Code Snippets plugin.

Go to Dashboard > Snippets > Add New.

Insert the below code in code field:

remove_action( 'get_avatar', 'wpforo_avatar', 10 );
add_filter( 'get_avatar', 'wpforo_avatar', 99999, 5 );

 Select Run snippet everywhere Radio and save the snippet.

Check that the new created snippet is active from Dashboard > Snippets > All Snippets.


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Posts: 6

@chris It solved the problem, Thank you very much! 😀