I am facing a strange issue i.e. when I disable Memory Cache and Enable the Replace Forum Profile with Ultimate Member Profile, it appears to go into an endless loop on some of the core calls and crashes out.
It does not crash if I enable the Memory Cache, however the integration with UM does not work i.e. I am still taken to the wpForo member profiles. The other integrations relating to Notifications and UM Tab are not working either.
I so want to use wpForo as it looks very promising, especially due to its UM integrations. @anonymous3542 you appear to be the defacto expert on this, so would really appreciate your help.
Just so that you know what all has been done... I have done a clean Wordpress install using the latest version. Installed UM and some of its premium plugins, all of which are up-to-date. Installed wpForo and first tested it with the default settings, where the replace with ultimate member profile setting is switched off by default. I then changed the setting and enabled it, also cleared both UM cache and wpForo cache and still none of the integrations with UM work.
The endless loop error occurs even for a fresh install like above. The error messages are:
Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting! in /app/public/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 840
Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting! in /app/public/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 602
Within the detail, I see the same stack trace repeated again and again, which tells me it is getting into an endless loop somehow.
@themofella I can't say I've experienced this issue. I have the memory cache enabled with full integration (UM). Are you using any other caching plugin, and have you excluded wpForo ?
OK. I can now report that the issue exists even with a completely fresh setup. Just to make sure that I have not missed out on an important step... this is what I have done...
1) Installed the latest WordPress on my Flywheel Local server on Mac. WordPress version is 4.9.8.
2) Installed the latest version of Ultimate Member. Version 2.0.25.
3) Installed the latest version of wpForo. Version 1.5.3.
4) Created a test user (joe bloggs) and checked the UM profile for this user. No tab for forum was visible.
5) Enabled the option to replace forum profile with UM profile, created a topic on the forum using the Joe Bloggs account and clicked the through to the profile link within the topic on forum. I was taken to the forum profile page of Joe Bloggs i.e. NO UM integration seen.
6) Created a test user called Jane Doe and logged in. Now clicked the profile link of Joe Bloggs within the topic and I was taken to the UM profile.
Conclusion 1 - Logged in users are taken to the wpForo profile page when they click on their own link, while they are taken to the UM profile of other members. Is this meant to be the expected behaviour?
7) Disable memory cache and I was able to recreate the issue of endless loop that I reported earlier.
Conclusion 2 - The conflict between Memory Cache setting and Replace with UM Profile setting exists even on a completely fresh install of all the components.
Any thoughts?
Managed to resolve the tab not showing issue. I had to go to Ultimate Member > Settings > Appearance > Profile Menu and uncheck the Forums Tab checkbox, save, then check the Forums Tab checkbox and then save. This then resulted in the tab appear on the Ultimate Member profile page. Probably the installation scripts are not setting up the Forums Tabs setting properly. Hope this helps anyone who faces this issue.